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Imagine, if you want ...
A woman walked into a dark park late at night. The game, apparently only for the vehicles parked there and the occasional cat hunting for an evening reception snacks.
Then, from nowhere, you hear the hard meaty arm slam into the neck from the front. While his mind runs to determine exactly what happened, it will be increasingly aware that they are not under control - her world has just changed forever.
Womanfeel their muscles, and even though she is trying to move, aware that many do not respond to commands from the body of his brain. As adrenaline and other chemicals flood her blood natural response to danger, is through a variety of feelings and emotions to overcome them, literally, never experienced.
Abate, as the initial reaction of shock and a wave of panic begins, finds himself increasingly aware of the feeling of the body of her attacker behind him andThat comes out of his arm over his right shoulder. Now you can feel his warm, husky breath in his ear, and perhaps that says something, even if I'm not sure what it is.
As they took a couple of self-defense classes, remember to learn how to turn this type of attack and reaches up to grab his arm and move away from his neck. But what he discovers that she can not even begin to touch the minimum.
"Wait a minute," thinksin a moment of clarity ", that is not right."
"This is not right!"
"He always worked in class." "This guy's holding me too tight!" "Nobody thinks ever so close!"
He feels the next wave of panic begins to bear fruit. Not because they attacked, but ...
... because they realize that their defense does not work.
"Why?" "What's going on?"
"It is supposed to work!" "He said it would be if ...."
As the darkness of unconsciousness overtakes her,left with the feeling of a warm blanket, which is more than someone who is prepared to sleep for a long time.
Previous history, believe it or not, this several times a day in our country and around the world. To be sure, the details are different. Perhaps the victim ...
... is a man - not a woman ...
... in fact, has never trained with anyone and even their own assumptions ...
... attackedotherwise, but ...
... the results are always the same.
Or are they?
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